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The DIESOL Podcast | EdTech in ESL

Jun 29, 2020

Every once in a while there's a 5th Monday of the month, so we've decided to invite listeners in for some time to kick back and have fun! This is our first ever Drinks with DIESOL featuring educators from across the States! If it sounds like fun, you're invited to join us next time! Follow on Twitter @DIESOLpod to...

Jun 15, 2020

In this episode we are not talking about technology in the classroom, but rather looking at how our field is involved with the bigger national conversation around racism, whiteness, and how TESOL teachers are involved with the systematic disparities happening to BIPOC in English Language Teaching. 

JPB Gerald is a...

Jun 2, 2020

Not an episode, just a plea to listen to the voices of Black Americans right now, and a couple of resources if you don't know where to start.